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A Soofee wanted to give her teacher a Valentine’s Day gift as a token of love and appreciation. But try as she might, she could not decide what it should be. She thought about flowers but, because they would eventually perish, felt this would be symbolically inappropriate. After all, her love and devotion were undying.

She thought about a box of chocolates but decided against it because he might think she was being romantic and frivolous. She thought about writing a letter, but decided she didn’t have paper lovely enough to be worthy of the lofty message of appreciation she would compose. She thought about buying him a nice wool sweater she’d seen at Old Navy, but didn’t want him to think she was spending her time in the malls.

Soon Valentine’s day arrived and still she had not decided on a present. This was weighing heavily on her mind when by chance she ran into her teacher walking his dog in the park. They stopped and chatted amiably and before they went their ways the teacher pulled a small wrapped package from his coat pocket. “What’s this?”, she asked when he handed it to her. “It’s a Valentine”, he said as Halaj tugged him away. She stood there dumbstruck and slightly embarrassed. When she finally unwrapped the present she found a little round mirror in a pretty silver frame.

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