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No matter how cluttered your life is, your moment is as clear as the air." ~ Pir Elias Amidon, The Book of Flashes

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Session 2 - Am I Here?
Feb  9

Presence is the heart of adab and the key to presence is the mastery of attention. More than a discipline, attending is an esoteric practice (often framed as ‘concentration’ exercises) through which we make the world and ourselves whole.  

Session 2 - Recording


Games of Attending

Game 1
Watch this video then take the Attention Inquiry below.


An open heart

A calm presence 


A loving presence

A desire for union 

Steering away from differences or conflict

Getting out of the way of myself 


Seeking common ground 


~David Chapman

Being Present

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In his February 2025 Notes from the Open Path, "Anima Mundi" Pir Elias shares an extraordinary vision of Reality arising through, and in, relatedness.  

Presence Awareness

"This kind of radical “nondual” inquiry usually leads at first to bewilderment — overturning the throne of the first-person singular — and then, if we’re lucky, to an astounding intuition or realization of an always-already-here, impersonal, unconditioned, all-pervading “presence-awareness” — a sort of background/foreground Awareness that’s everywhere, that’s not some kind of talent produced by my body, but a fundamental presence of Awareness that is the ground of all being and that’s as transparent as space."

by Pir Elias Amidon in Notes from the Open Path:  ANIMA MUNDI 

From "Huzur"

Huzur denotes the conscious presence of a person on the inner path. It also means tranquility, serenity, spiritual composure. But, more than just centered, uncluttered awareness, huzur implies a radiance sourced in a greater reality and a natural charisma arising from sincerity.

Practice Lab

As an option for those who wish to work more intensively, we will be hosting a "lab" for the development of practice methods and techniques. These sessions are open to all registrants. The dates for the Practice Lab:

Feb 23 - Mar 30 - Apr 27 - May 25 - Jun 29

On Zoom Noon EDT - 5PM UK - 6 PM EU

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